

Noosagoals' vision is to 'Cure the Earth with Love' by establishing a credible path to sustainable prosperity for future generations.

We do this, by evolving consciousness to the highest levels achievable on earth, in pursuit of the greatest possible good.


Upon codifying a lifetime of knowledge, experience and skills, Michael has created a simple three step process for both  individuals and organisations to help explore and navigate their inevitable Spiritual Transformation.

The process combines the power of Artificial Intelligence, together with deep Psychic Abilities, as well as world class Enterprise Performance Managenent, cultivated over many years.

Our clients repeatedly comment that they connect with the simplicity of our approach at an intuitive level unlike any other new-age spiritual modalities.

Meet michael

I'm a passionate corporate executive who's discovered his deep psychic abilities later in life.
My passion is to help you bypass decades of irrelevant experiences so you can make better decisions faster.

Michael Kwaaitaal Collage

Michael Kwaaitaal

The Psychic CFO

Winning the Rubiks Cube Championship in Amsterdam as a kid, lead to a lifetime of solving puzzles, simplifying complex business challenges, creating a vision for the future of humanity and then manifesting it through compound reverse engineering.

Having worked in the pinnacle of the business world in over 35 countries, I intuitively knew I needed to serve a bigger purpose to become fulfilled in life.

Having developed deep psychic abilities in the greater Noosa area, I still look at the world’s biggest problems, as if they are just another cube to fix.

Better decisions faster

To learn how to develop your psychic abilities, and to work with us to "Cure the Earth with Love", join our Patreon community.