Zero Point Intelligence


Zero Point Intelligence symbolizes the equilibrium of the most fundamental and unconditional state of harmonious multi-dimensional intelligence.

‘The natural state of awareness’ ready for you to manifest. ✨

ZPI consists of:

🔮 A Unified Field of Awareness: A state of pure potential from which all thoughts, insights, and creativity emerge, akin to a quantum field of psychic abilities that the mind cannot grasp.

🔮 Infinite Potential: The unmanifested source of intelligence, not bound by historic constraints or the limitations of learned knowledge and experience.

🔮 Clearvoyant Primeordial Insight: The raw, unconditioned essence of innerstanding, mirroring how Zero Point Energy underpins the physical world.

🔮 Orchestrated Interconnectedness and Interoperability: Awareness underpinning all natural and manifested phenomena.

In practical terms, Zero Point Intelligence is the state one taps into - without the use of substances - during moments of superior clarity and intuition, where conditioned thoughts give way to pure awareness and analytic creative insights. 💫

Zero Point Intelligence will have you start measuring success far beyond wealth and control.

As a faculty, ZPI is impossible to teach, but possible for you to learn.

Getting a Professional Psychic-CFO Reading is a great start.

#awareness ❤️☀️